Become the top-of-mind Real Estate Agent

Relationships AI Assistant enhances relationships and boosts deal closing.
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Have you faced these challenges before?

Scattered Contacts

Are your clients scattered across various social media platforms?
Inefficient Communication

Tired of juggling multiple communication channels?
Missed Follow-Ups

Worried about forgetting to follow up with clients?
Missed Opportunities
Don't let birthdays, holidays, or important life events slip through the cracks.

Skyrocket your relationships

Central place for everything

A single location to store all people and their information.

Keep in touch with Reminders & AI messages

Stay in touch with people regularly by sending pre-generated messages
tailored to their information or your notes.
Hi Bobby!
Want to catch up you about our tomorrow project. Everything is ok?
James, my friend! Do you remember about our gym training today?

Don't forget them anymore

Be the first to congratulate them on holidays,
birthdays, or other important dates.
Download now

Even more

Send Gift Cards

Stand out from the crowd and show genuine care by giving gifts from over 400+ providers on special occasions in few clicks.

Automatic Updates

Receive the latest updatesabout your contacts based on theirsocial media accounts.

Run campaigns

Execute personalized campaigns with AI-generated messages for special holidays or when necessary.

Join the elite and rise to the top

I didn't understand why my networking wasn't working well. There were too many rejections from clients and it was frustrating. Later a light bulb turned on. I was communicating with people with no real interest in their persona, lives, or interests. Now I've changed my way of doing business networking with Nection. If you want to get less abandonment, be mindful of people and treat them not as customers, but as someone you are really interested in.
Roger Rhiel Madsen RE Agent, Indianapolis
A time when I can manage personal and business contacts effortlessly. I also appreciate how reminders never fail, and I stay ahead of the game with timely, personalized messages.
Fantastic personal CRM! I found it on the recommendation. By this date I have been using Nection for about a month. I want to say it's the best app for interacting with my clients so far. I've synced contacts from LinkedIn, my phone book and a couple of other channels. I wasn't feeling good about keeping multiple services open at once. Well, today the problem has disappeared all by itself.
At first I doubted if this app would be of any help. However, I gave it a chance and realized some of the features are gems.
At different stages I worked with CRM for different purposes. First I grew my network of contacts and sent out follow ups. Now I mostly use personalized text and re-minders. It is a handy and easy solution for agents who nurture leads and are already communicating with them.

Take care of your most important asset today!

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